March 10, 2023

The following timeline makes transparent a series of actions taken by the ADA in response to a letter offering constructive suggestions about how the ADA might improve its impact on a T1D cure. This letter to ADA's Board of Directors, originally sent in December of 2022, was shared in a March 8 report (CLICK HERE).  

The suggestions, recommendations, and questions raised in the letter are based on surveys and comments collected from T1D financial supporters, volunteers, and families. The main thesis is that the ADA can do more for T1D and that, in doing so, the ADA will grow stronger.

The ADA's mission is "To prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes" (source). The time and energy spent on legal aggression could instead have been deployed to further a T1D cure.

The timeline, to date, is below: