JDRF released their 2018 audited financial statements this week. Key takeaways are detailed in the bullets below.

  • Income grew by 9%, from $207 million in 2017 to $227 million, a solid gain. See Appendix A.
  • Total research grant funding in 2018 was $85 million, nearly half of the $156 million spent on research 10 years ago in 2008. See Appendix C.
  • The percent of income used for research grant funding was 37%, tying 2015 for the all-time organizational low. See Appendix B.
  • The lower levels of research grant spending directly correspond to the tenure and leadership direction of the current CEO, who started at the beginning of the 2015 fiscal year.
  • Nine out of ten donors say they want their donations to be used specifically for cure research, according to annual surveys. Yet, only a small percentage is actually attributed to research grants. 
  • Last year, 205,000 people signed the JDCA 4th Annual More for a T1D Cure Petition asking JDRF, the ADA, and other major T1D non-profits to significantly increase research spending levels. JDRF has not publicly commented to date.
  • In the weeks ahead the JDCA will publish additional reports analyzing administration costs, JDRF mission alignment, and revenue/ expenses.

Click here to view full JDRF financials.

Appendix A: JDRF Total Annual Revenue

Appendix B: Research Grants as Percent of Total Revenue

Appendix C: JDRF Annual Research Grant Spending