This is the sixth annual survey-based report on the giving priorities of T1D donors. The key takeaway is the same as all prior years: the number one reason people make donations to diabetes charities and/or participate in fundraising activities such as walks and galas is to find a cure. On this point, the survey results are cut and dry. The overwhelming majority of donors want their money to be used for research that seeks a cure for T1D.

Key Findings:

  • Cure research is the main priority. As illustrated in the infographic above, 98 percent of survey respondents believe cure research should be the number one priority for all major diabetes charitable organizations.
  • People fundraise for cure research. 86 percent of respondents say the main reason they participate in a fundraising walk is for T1D cure research. The next closest was "Family Support" at 6.7 percent, "Diabetes Management Research" at 4.7 percent, and "Educating the Public" at 1.2 percent. Responses for "Complications Research," "Lobbying," "Mental Health," and "Other" were all less than one percent.
  • JDRF decline in research spending is putting donations at risk. 58 percent of survey respondents said they would stop giving to JDRF once they found out only 38 percent of their donation was attributed to research in 2017.

Key Findings Continued:

  • Donors feel a Practical Cure would greatly improve quality of life. 97 percent of T1D donors believe that a Practical Cure would improve the quality of life for people currently living with T1D. This response is consistent with prior years.
  • Almost all respondents want to give for Practical Cure research. 94 percent of respondents state that they would donate to Practical Cure research projects if that option was made easily available, marking a lucrative potential fundraising opportunity for the diabetes charities.